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Microsoft for Startups

Unlimited access to tools & $150,000 in credits
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Free Azure Credits

Free Azure Credits

Enjoy up to $150,000 of free Microsoft Azure credits if you're a startup courtesy of the Microsoft for Startups program. The program not only can support you with up to $150,000 of Azure cloud credits but also has productivity and dev tools including GitHub and Microsoft 365, mentorship from top business leaders as well as technical experts and more.

Who can apply for the Microsoft for Startups program?

The great thing about this program is that it is open to any startup, you can join in minutes and you don't need to have any funding to do so, you'll then be able to start using all the benefits of Microsoft including its tools and platforms.

What are the benefits

Theres a whole list of benefits but some of the highlights include:

  • Up to $150,000 in Azure credits
  • 1 on 1 technical advisory sessions
  • 24/7 technical assistance
  • Access to the Microsoft Mentor Network
  • A range of training and content
  • Access to tools such as Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365, Github Enterprise, Visual Studio, Microsoft Azure and many more

This perk is for those who have investors or are on accelerators that are linked with Microsoft.

How the current system works lets you get $1,000 of Azure credits straight away and then as your company grows and your usage of the credits do you can get more, this allows you to develop, grow and scale and at each point grow with $5,000, then $25,000 and finally up to $150,000 in credits to scale your business.

This is a fantastic program from Microsoft and one that should certainly be looked into if you're thinking of starting a business and want to run and be supported by the Microsoft platform and of course best of all you can take advantage of the free Azure credits that Microsoft offer.