For those looking for cold emailing software our Distrobird promo code could be a great option for you, giving you a 90% off coupon meaning you can use this leading software to manage your entire sales process in one place for a fantastic price.
Their software allows you to create sequences, cloud call centers, shared inboxes, form tracking and much more all in one simple and easy to use platform, saving you time and making you more efficient.
FounderPass members will get:
A 90% discount on all Distrobird products for 1 year. This includes access to email sequences, voice dialer, multi-domain inboxes, and lead tracking subscriptions.
Complimentary access to both on-demand and live online training sessions to help members increase their revenue through effective outbound sales strategies.
Free support for any member who needs assistance with utilizing Distrobird tools or optimizing their sales strategy.
Please note, their metered services such as inbound and outbound SMS, call minutes, monthly phone number costs, and data enrichment services (email validation, email enrichment, call transcription, etc.) are not included in this discount.
Distrobird Review
If you're looking for one place to have all of your cold emailing coming from, managing it effectively and getting the most from your cold email strategy then this could be a good choice for you to consider.
Our Distrobird review looks into all of the aspects of the platform so you can quickly see if it's right for you and your team.
Engaging your prospects
Attract potential customers from your website and seamlessly guide them into comprehensive multi-channel campaigns or sequences designed to drive conversions and seal the deal.
As you'll see from the dashboard below, it's extremely visually appealing and easy to use, making your life easy and at a glance you can see all of your prospects and how they are all getting on.
Phone system built for sales
Set up a cloud contact center within 5 minutes – no hardware needed. Connect instantly with customers and prospects worldwide, wherever you are.
Collaborative sales inbox
Efficiently oversee group inboxes such as sales@ or accounts@ all in one centralized location. Experience a timeline-based shared inbox optimized for swift communication and seamless collaboration.
Distrobird Summary
Distrobird brings together various workflows essential for your sales team across multiple channels (email, phone, SMS, forms, etc.), offering a comprehensive go-to-market platform. This solution significantly enhances productivity, offers a clearer insight into each prospect's journey through your sales funnel, and, most importantly, empowers your team to generate revenue from day one.
Their pricing is fair and you get a lot of features for your money, we think it's fairly priced and if you combine it with our Distrobird coupon giving you 90% off you'll be paying very little for the first year which makes it a no brainer in our opinion.