Klaviyo vs Hubspot

Confused about Klaviyo vs HubSpot? Let us help you decide

Quick Summary:

If you're short on time, here's a quick summary of Klaviyo and HubSpot to help you quickly compare their key features and benefits.

Hubspot is best for:

  • Those looking for an overall marketing hub and want access to a CRM and other features
  • Those wanting the best bang for their buck
  • Great for businesses of all sizes and industries
  • + you can get up to 30%off your first year

Klaviyo is best for:

  • Those who run ecommerce and want better customer personalization
  • Allows impressive SMS and push notification marketing
  • Can be expensive though and more for companies with specific requirements as above.

This quick summary provides a snapshot of what each platform offers, but for a deeper dive into their features, pros, cons, and how they align with your specific business needs, continue reading the detailed comparison below.


September 12, 2024

By Max

When choosing the right marketing hub for your business, you’ll likely find yourself comparing Klaviyo and HubSpot. Both are great options when it comes to marketing hubs, and it’s easy to see why they are popular choices. This guide will explore both platforms, covering their features, pricing, pros and cons, and more, to help you make an informed decision about which one best fits your needs. While HubSpot offers a broad range of functionalities beyond email marketing and customer relationship management, this comparison will focus on these core areas where Klaviyo and HubSpot overlap, helping you understand their strengths in these crucial aspects.

Selecting the right platform can greatly influence your business's success. Klaviyo and HubSpot are two options in this space, each offering a robust set of features designed to enhance your marketing efforts. This article will compare these platforms to help you decide which one aligns best with your business goals.

Overview of HubSpot

HubSpot is one of the most popular tools online for businesses, this is because they offer a vast array of tools and features that help businesses of all sizes in all areas grow, become more efficient and more organized.


One of the core features of Hubspot is it's marketing hub, this helps your business to take advantage of AI to power your marketing from generating leads to sending emails and much more.

Some of the core reasons people choose Hubspot include:

  • All-in-One Platform - HubSpot integrates marketing, sales, CRM, and service tools into a single platform.
  • Ease of Use - It is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users without technical expertise.
  • Scalability - HubSpot caters to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, with various plans to match different needs.

Hubspot is best for: Any businesses looking to improve its marketing, manage their business and customers better with a CRM and essentially any business that needs a better way to do sales, marketing, content and more. There is a reason that it is one of the most popular and used software for businesses and we are big fans of it too.

Overview of Klaviyo

Klaviyo is has a more narrow focus which is on offering email marketing and automation, mean it can be more appropriate for businesses after specific needs. It's main focus is to help create personalised customer experiences and this is through email, SMS and via notifications.


Some of the reasons people opt for Klaviyo include:

  • Segmentation - Klaviyo’s powerful segmentation tools enable users to categorize customers based on various criteria such as behavior, demographics, and purchase history.
  • Personalization - It supports the creation of personalized email and SMS campaigns, enhancing customer engagement.
  • Data Utilization - Klaviyo integrates online and offline data to refine targeting and improve campaign effectiveness.

Klaviyo is best for: Medium to larger businesses who's main focus personalizing their customer experience and want to use SMS, email and push notifications

Klaviyo vs Hubspot features

Both HubSpot and Klaviyo offer powerful features that enhance email marketing and customer relationship management. At their core, both platforms excel in automating email campaigns, allowing businesses to set up triggered communications based on customer behavior. They also provide robust analytics and reporting tools, enabling users to track the performance of their campaigns and gain insights into customer interactions. Each platform supports segmentation, letting users categorize their audience based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, and purchase history. Additionally, both HubSpot and Klaviyo integrate with a wide range of eCommerce platforms, streamlining the connection between marketing efforts and sales activities. These shared features make both tools highly effective for managing and optimizing customer engagement.

While HubSpot and Klaviyo share several key features, they also have distinct differences that cater to various business needs.

HubSpot is an all-in-one platform that integrates a comprehensive suite of tools beyond email marketing and CRM. It offers extensive capabilities for content management, social media management, and sales automation. HubSpot’s strength lies in its holistic approach, providing a unified solution for marketing, sales, and customer service. It also features a user-friendly interface and is designed to scale with businesses as they grow, offering a range of plans that cover everything from basic to advanced functionalities.

Klaviyo, on the other hand, specializes in email marketing and automation with a strong focus on eCommerce. Its advanced segmentation capabilities allow for highly targeted and personalized campaigns based on detailed customer data. Klaviyo’s strength is in its deep integration with eCommerce platforms and its ability to leverage behavioral and transactional data to drive marketing strategies. Unlike HubSpot, Klaviyo is more focused on providing sophisticated email and SMS marketing tools, rather than a broad suite of business management functionalities.

Hubspot vs Klaviyo Pros & Cons

To help you decide which platform best fits your needs, let's dive into the pros and cons of both Klaviyo and HubSpot. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each will provide a clearer picture of how they align with your business goals and marketing strategies.

Hubspot pros

Chosen by many as their core marketing hub, Hubspot is loved for many reasons including:

  • All-in-One Solution - HubSpot integrates marketing, sales, CRM, and service tools into a single platform, streamlining various business processes and improving efficiency.
  • User-Friendly Interface - Known for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, HubSpot is accessible even for users with limited technical expertise.
  • Scalability - The platform offers a range of plans that cater to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, allowing it to grow with your needs.
  • Comprehensive Features - HubSpot provides a wide array of tools for content management, social media, and sales automation, making it a versatile choice for various business functions.

Hubspot cons

Although very popular, you may find that Hubspot isn't right for you if:

  • Cost - If you need all of the features and have heavy requirements it can get quite pricey
  • Large range of features - For some it may be overwhelming as their are lots of tools and features in the platform.

Klaviyo pros

For some Klaviyo will be a great fit, this will likely be for the following reasons:

  • Advanced Segmentation - Klaviyo allows you to categorize customers based on detailed criteria such as behavior, demographics, and purchase history, enabling highly targeted campaigns.
  • Personalization - The platform supports the creation of highly personalized email and SMS campaigns, which enhances customer engagement and improves conversion rates.
  • eCommerce Integration - Klaviyo integrates seamlessly with major eCommerce platforms, facilitating the use of detailed customer data to refine marketing strategies.
  • Robust Analytics - Its advanced analytics and reporting tools provide deep insights into campaign performance and customer behavior, helping you optimize your marketing efforts.

Klaviyo cons

  • Cost: -Klaviyo’s pricing can become quite high as your contact list grows, potentially making it a costly option for larger databases.
  • Complexity - The platform may have a steeper learning curve for new users, requiring more time and effort to fully understand and utilize its features.
  • Limited Scope - Klaviyo is highly specialized in email and SMS marketing, which means it lacks the broader business management tools found in all-in-one platforms.

Klaviyo vs Hubspot - Pricing

HubSpot offers a permanent free tier with basic tools, allowing up to five team members to use the platform without requiring a credit card. Their paid plans start at approximately $20 per month per seat (£14), with prices increasing based on the features and functionalities you need. HubSpot's pricing structure is designed to scale with your business, providing more advanced features as you grow.

Klaviyo, on the other hand, provides a free plan for businesses with up to 250 active profiles and a limit of 500 monthly emails. Pricing then increases based on the number of contacts, with additional costs for SMS credits. As your contact list expands, the costs can rise significantly. This tiered pricing model reflects Klaviyo's focus on scaling its email and SMS marketing capabilities in line with your growing needs.

It's worth exploring the pricing pages of both to get an idea of the costs your business will need to pay for the appropriate plan as prices will vary. Overall though Hubspot will tend to give you a more rounded package for a better package from our experience.

Which Platform is Right for Your Business?

Choosing between Klaviyo and HubSpot largely depends on your business's specific needs and long-term goals:

  • If you need a comprehensive solution that integrates various aspects of your business, including CRM, sales, and marketing, HubSpot’s all-in-one platform might be more suitable.
  • If you are focused primarily on email and SMS marketing, Klaviyo offers specialized features that can enhance your marketing strategy through advanced segmentation and automation.

Klaviyo vs Hubspot summary

Choosing between Klaviyo and HubSpot hinges on your business’s specific needs and growth trajectory. HubSpot’s all-in-one platform excels in providing a comprehensive suite of tools that cover marketing, sales, CRM, and customer service, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking a unified solution. Its user-friendly interface, scalability, and broad feature set cater to a wide range of business requirements, from startups to large enterprises. However, its expansive capabilities might be more than necessary for businesses that are solely focused on email marketing.

On the other hand, Klaviyo’s specialization in email and SMS marketing, combined with its strong focus on eCommerce, offers a powerful solution for businesses that prioritize personalized customer engagement. Its advanced segmentation and data utilization capabilities are ideal for companies that need to create highly targeted campaigns and leverage detailed customer data. While Klaviyo's pricing can increase with the size of your contact list, its robust marketing automation tools provide significant value for those primarily engaged in eCommerce.

Ultimately, both platforms offer significant benefits, but your decision should align with your business's core needs—whether it's a broad, integrated approach with HubSpot or specialized, data-driven marketing with Klaviyo. Exploring free trials or tier options from both platforms can provide additional insights, helping you make the best choice for your business’s future success.

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